a. Rev. Andy Wong will be on holiday from July 11th to July 18th. b. Rev. John Hua will be on holiday from July 17th to July 23rd.
a. Rev. Andy Wong will be on holiday from July 11th to July 18th. b. Rev. John Hua will be on holiday from July 17th to July 23rd.
English Worship team will be hosting a dedicated praise and prayer night in the sanctuary upstairs on July 21st at 7:30pm. This will be a time where we can worship and sing praises to God together in a focused environment. Everyone is welcome.
a. 崇拜聚會結束後,教會備有茶點供應。請弟兄姐妹及新朋友移步到禮 堂前廊,共同享用、交友聯誼、共沐主恩。 b. 堂委會:今主日下午4:00 在101 室召開會議,請各堂委會成員依時出 席。 c. 祈禱會﹕每週四晚上在教會舉行,青年組定於7:00 在地庫B3 室、其 他組於7:30 在101 室,盼望大家來一起禱告,以禱告為教會守望。 d. 國語啟發課程:新一期課程已開始,逢週六中午12:15-1:45 在地庫 B10 室舉行,內容有午膳、YouTube、自由交談。請兄姊邀請未信主 或對基督教信仰有興趣的親友參加,一起探索人生的真正意義。