
將於11 月16 日(週四)下午2 時在教會地庫舉行 講座,題目為「冬季雀鳥: 意想不到那麼多種類! 」,費用全免, 歡迎參加,出席者可獲優先參加明年二月或三月的「室內餵飼雀鳥活 動」。報名請聯絡粵語堂黃楊惠嬌執事、國語堂張近中執事。

Missions Department

The short term mission team organized by GO International will go to Uganda on November 16th, 2017. Team members from MCCC are Mrs. Rebecca Lee and Mrs. Katherine Chao. They will return on December 1st. Please remember them in your prayer that they will have good health and a safe trip.