Missions Department

a. STM to Cambodia and Myanmar (November 4-30, 2015): Praise God for their safety and good health. Their luggage which contains children crafts has been recovered. Please continue to pray for the children whom the team are/ will be ministering in the next two weeks. b. STM to Japan (December 10-21, 2015): Pastor Henry, Wendy…

Pastoral Staff

Rev. Luke Xie has been attending a Mandarin Bible Camp with 8 brothers and sisters in Jackson Point this weekend.

Children ministry

a. Christmas Shoebox: Completed boxes with $7 handling & shipping fees (per box) should be returned to Room B5 no later than today. b. Annual Teacher Appreciation Luncheon for all our children ministry workers will be held on Nov 15th (Sunday) at 1:00 pm in B10. Please speak to Mrs. Grace Cheng for registration.