
a. 堂委會:今主日下午2:00 在101 室召開會議,商討2018 年財政預算。 b. 祈禱會:將於8 月16 日(本週三)晚上7:30 舉行,將由李牧師負責領詩 及分享代禱事項。 c. 敬拜部:讚美組早餐會定於8 月19 日(本週六)早上9:00 至12:15 邀請 清早、早堂及午堂領詩、司琴出席共商事工分組討論,並由音樂導師吳 恩海牧師分享(簡介:吳牧師由83 年加入香港男聲聖詠團,新加坡神學 院聖樂系畢業。現任多倫多活証浸信會牧者,事奉超過25 年),聯絡陳 惠貞姊妹。 d. 下主日(8 月20 日)為聖樂主日,邀請吳恩海牧師分享。


The new Fall ESL class will start on September 9th (Sat) at 10:00 am. There is no fee to participate. Please register with the teacher on September 9 at 10 am. In your classroom. If you do not know your teacher, speak to Rev. Lee and he will arrange it for you.

MCCC 30th Anniversary Community Prayer Walk

This event will be held on August 26th, 2017 (Saturday). Participants please wear a RED T-shirt. We will gather together before the walk at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary. Lunch will be provided at about 12:30 p.m. We encourage everyone to participate and pray for our neighbourhood. Please see the registration form for details and…