Children Ministry

a. Prayer Meeting: We encourage all teachers and parents to come. It is now held on the second Wednesday of every month at 7:30 pm in Room. The next meeting is on May 10th, 2017. b. Children Ministry Retreat: It will be held on June 3rd, Saturday from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm at L’Arche…

Church Summer Camp 2017

The date is June 23-25. It will be held at UOIT. The theme is “Embrace God’s plan for your life”. The speaker is Rev. Johnny Wong. Children from 3-11 years old will have their own program and the theme is “Amazing Bible Adventure”.

2017 美堅堂夏令會

將於6 月23-25 日舉行,主題為「抓緊你生命 中的神蹟」,講員為王乃基牧師,兒童節目(3-11 歲)為「奇妙聖經探險 之旅」,下星期開始報名。