Children Ministry

a. 2017 Children Day Camp: We will accept children going to grades 1 to 6 this year in the summer day camp. Please speak to Pastor Tim for the registration form. Registration will take place on April 23, 11 am to 12 noon only in room B10. Please bring your completed registration with cheque payable…


a. 2017 兒童夏令日營:將於7 月17-21 及24-28 日在教會舉行,歡迎升 讀一至六年級的兒童參加,請向阮傳道拿取報名表,只在4 月23 日 上午11:00-12:00 在地庫B10 室接受報名,額滿即止,有興趣的家長 請填妥表格及帶備支票(抬頭請寫Milliken CCC),恕不退款。 b. 城市宣教:阮仲謙傳道現正招募隊友,參加由多倫多城市宣教會舉辦 的兒童外展服務,地點在Willowtree (Yonge 和Finch 附近的政府資 助住房社區),日期為8 月8-11 日,費用:個人開支。請聯絡阮傳道 或上網了解更多信息 c. 事奉機會:阮傳道同時也在尋找義工,協助於8月13-16日舉行的 Euologia夏令營。這個有意義的4天3夜營會,旨在服務有特殊需要的 孩子之家庭。膳食和住宿由社區組織全費資助,你只需要去參與服務。 請聯絡阮傳道或查詢

ECB News

(Minutes for March 19th, 2017) – Dr. Jiade Chen has been accepted as a Voluntary Pastor for the Mandarin Congregation from May 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018. We thank God for Pastor Jiade. A committee, consisting of Rev. John Hua, Rev. Luke Xie, Steve Chao, and Sheila Xu, has been formed to plan the…