ECB News Flash

Minutes for October 19, 2014: a. The 2015 Church Budget has been approved by the ECB.(see insert) b. AGM to Approve 2015 Church Budget: – The voting session has been moved from November 30 to November 23. Voting will be held after each worship service. A membership meeting to approve minutes of previous membership meeting…

Daylight Savings Time

Daylight Savings Time will end on November 2nd (Sunday). Please turn your clock BACK 1 hour on Saturday (Nov 1st) before you go to bed.

Baptism and Membership Classes

a. The Baptismal class will be held on November 1st (Sat) and November 8th (Sat) at 1:00 pm. For those interested in getting baptized at Christmas (Dec 20th), please speak to Rev. Lee b. Anyone likes to join our church as a member; there is a membership class on Nov 8th (Sat) at 2 pm.