2017年冬季課程將於1月21日開課,每週六上午10:00- 12:00在教會舉行,費用全免。歡迎對學習英語有興趣的人仕參加,參 加者可於週六上午10:00到教會地庫辦理登記手續。

Children Ministry

G1 to G6 after School Program: Class will resume on January 18, every Wednesday at 4:00 pm. to 6:00 pm. We are looking for volunteers to help out. Please speak to Pastor Tim if interested.

Missions Department

There will be a short term mission team in 2017 to Germany from June 1-14. The team will serve the Chinese visa students and the local Chinese residents. The ministries include gospel camp, personal evangelism and children ministry. The language is Mandarin, and the cost is CAN$2,500 (includes room, board and flight). If you are…