MCCC 30th Anniversary Celebration

a.Leadership Training (Friday January 13, 2017) – the training will be held at ACEM office by Rev. Ricky Yung in English (translation to Mandarin using headphone). This is for current and former deacons as well as current ministry committee members from all 3 congregations. b.30th Anniversary Revival Meeting (Saturday January 14, 2017) i. Cantonese and…


a. 2017 年開始,粵語堂祈禱會將於第一及第三個週三晚7:30 舉行,歡迎 兄姊一同向主禱告。2017 年首次祈禱會將於1 月4 日晚7:30 舉行。 b. 2017 年第一季主日學將於1 月15 日開始,現已開始接受報名,請將填 妥表格放回教會辦公室門外的主日學信袋內。