
a. 祈禱會:將於9 月6 日(本週三)晚上7:30 舉行,將由職場小組(IC Group)負責領詩及分享代禱事項。 b. 嘉年團契︰9 月9 日(週六)下午4 時於禮堂舉行「名廚教你煲靚湯及臘 味製作」(臘腸、臘肉、臘鴨等),歡迎鄰舍朋友參加。 c. 關懷部課程第七講之「探訪四要」將於9 月23 日(六)中午12:30-1:30 在教會舉行,歡迎有興趣關懷工作的弟兄姊妹參加 d. 主日學:第三季主日學將於9 月10 日開始,現已開始接受報名,請 將填妥表格放回教會辦公室門外的主日學信袋內。


The new Fall ESL class will start on September 9th (Sat) at 10:00 am. There is no fee to participate. Please register with the teacher on September 9 at 10 am. In your classroom. If you do not know your teacher, speak to Rev. Lee and he will arrange it for you.

Senior Activities

a. Bird Watching Indoor Workshop: This will be held on September 6th, Wednesday from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the church. The cost is free. b. Oil Painting Class: There are two sessions. Each has 4 classes with the same content. The teacher is Mr. Kanson Lee (graduated from OCAD, owner of an art…