40 Days Bible Reading Campaign

Each participant will read a short Bible passage each day from April 28 to June 7. On each of those 40 days, the participant will listen to a 5 min short sharing of that day’s passage from the pastors on mccc.on.ca. Each participant will also join in a small group discussion each week. Please remember…

Church Office

The church office will be closed Monday for Victoria Day. Pastoral staff will take their replacement holiday on Tuesday.

ECB News – May 4, 2014

1/ Special AGM – MCCC will be holding a special AGM on June 22 (Sunday) to approve: a/ Both the “Articles of Continuance” and new “Bylaw” for MCCC’s continuance under the new Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (CNCA) and b/ Authorize the ECB to change the use of leftover funds from the 2006 Short Term Mission…