Church office

Our Church secretary, Ms. Sam Cheung, will take vacation from August 15th to September 1st. During this period, part-time church secretary, Mrs. Jackie Yau, will extend her working hours mainly to take care of the word processing work for all Sunday worships of each congregation, and urgent matter of church operation.

Pastoral News

a. Rev. Vincent Lee will be on holiday from August 27th to September 5th. b. Pastor Tim Yuen will be on holiday from August 22nd to September 5th

國語堂下主日崇拜(8 月20 日)

講題:「安提阿教會」 經文:使徒行傳11:19-30, 12:25 至13:3 早堂事奉人員: 主席:陳佳德傳道      講員:許卓憑牧師 會前負責:溫耐弟兄     領詩:蓋麗傑姊妹 司琴:李玲玲姊妹     祈禱:劉蘇弟兄 司事: 佘定君姊妹、楊雁姊妹、鄭榕弟兄、譚美蓮姊妹、楊秀喜姊妹、黃雪容姊妹 讀經:黃姿華姊妹 音響/放映:于厚雄弟兄 圖書館: 早-徐達忠弟兄、午-徐達忠弟兄 午堂事奉人員: 講員: 許卓憑牧師     會前負責: Jeffrey Zhu 弟兄 司事: 尹顥姊妹、張桂琴姊妹     讀經: 楊雙捷姊妹 音響/放映: Brian Sun 弟兄