English Congregation News

EMC meeting: The EMC will meet on August 20 (Sunday) at 1 pm (move from Sep 3) to discuss 2018 budget and other important matters. All are welcomed to join for lunch at 1 pm. English Worship team: If you have a passion and interest to serve in our Sunday worship team, and has been…


a. 祈禱會:將於8 月2 日(本週三)晚上7:30 舉行,將由黃牧師負責領詩 及分享代禱事項。 b. 嘉年團契:「Hamilton 一天遊」將於本週二(8 月1 日)舉行,請已購票 的兄姊及朋友於當天早上8 時15 分在教會集合,逾時不候,約於7 時 30 分返回教會。請自備食水,防曬用品(如帽,太陽油)及環保購物袋。


We are looking for a volunteer who can speak Mandarin to teach level 1 or 2 starting from September. Please talk to Pastor Vincent Lee if you are interested.