Mission Department

Thunder Bay STM team will be back on July 9th, today. Please pray for a safe trip. The participants are Rev. Vincent Lee (leader), Pastor Josiah, Henry Jing, June Cheng, Tyler Jing, Yang Jin, Bryan Sun, Clover Qi and Ella Yang.

Assistant Summer Students

James Lau, June Li and Melody Wong will be serving in MCCC as Assistant Summer students in July and August. May the Lord bless the community through their service.


教會將於7月1日(週六)上午11:00至下午3:30舉行社 區外展活動「加拿大國慶同樂日」。當天活動包括戶外敬拜禱告、音 樂歌曲表演、攤位遊戲等,還有免費熱狗(派完即止),如欲獲取免費 飲品,請自備水杯。歡迎攜同家人及朋友到來參加,請將車輛停泊在 教會附近的街道旁,亦請遵守多市交通規例泊車。