
a. 祈禱會:將於4 月5 日(週三)下午7:30 舉行,將由真光團契領詩及分 享代禱事項。 b. 復活節福音主日:將於4 月16 日(主日)舉行,由短宣中心彭徐雪冰師 母主領,請為邀請未信主親朋代禱。 c. 多倫多短宣中將於4 月15 日(週六)在城市廣場舉行「復活節的奇蹟」 佈道行動,由早上11 時至下午5 時,分三時段作個人或攤位佈道, 有意參加者請向徐承浩弟兄或李牧師接洽。

Easter Baptism

The Easter Baptism will be held on April 14 (Fri) at 2 pm. If anyone likes to be baptized this Easter, there is a baptismal class on March 31 (Fri) at 6:30 pm and April 1 (Sat) at 10 am. Please speak to Rev. Lee, Pastor Eleanor or the deacons, if you are interested.

Missions Department

Rev. Vincent Lee will lead the Thunder Bay Short- Term Mission Trip on August 3-9, 2017 to engage in community outreach work. If you are interested, please attend a briefing session on April 9 (Sun) at 1 pm – 3-pm.