
兒童部將舉行一天義工退修會,日期為 6 月 22 日(週六),上午 9:30 至下午 3:30 在教會舉行 。主題是啟迪未來:教會社區中正面培育兒童成長。歡迎現正參與的義工或有興趣認識兒童事工的 人士參加。費用全免,我們將提供早餐和午餐,截止報名日期為6月16日。詳情請聯絡阮仲謙牧師mccc.timy@gmail.com。    

Children Ministry

Children Ministry will have our one-day volunteer retreat on June 22, 9:30 am to 3:30 pm (Saturday) at MCCC. The theme is: “Enlightening the Future: Cultivating Positive Children’s Growth in Church Communities.” Anyone who is involved in the Children Ministry or interested to know more about us are welcome to join. The retreat is free…

