Missions Corner

Upon their return from overseas missions, Doris Lui-Yee has been busy with many different ministries with TEAM Canada and her church, Toronto Chinese Alliance Church. Some of them include projects in Mongolia, Bible ESL lessons for Chinese immigrants in Toronto, ESL to Afghan & Pakistani refugees. Her husband, Gordon has been doing work for Voice…


請各活動及團契小組組長在教會聚會結束後,確認教會內是否還有其他小組活動進行; 如果沒有,請必需把教會的正門及側門鎖好。


請各活動及團契小組組長在教會聚會結束後,確認教會內是否還有其他小組活動進行; 如果沒有,請必需把教會的正門及側門鎖好。