
兒童部將於9月17日為第四班至第八班學生,開展新一年的課後活動班,每逢週二,下午4:00-5:30舉行。新一年的課外活動班,將以單元形式舉行。其內容包括繪畫、烘焙、樂高機械程式編寫、遊戲、舞蹈、烹飪、基礎生活技能、籃球及排球訓練 … 等等,如需要更多資料或索取參加表格,請聯絡阮仲謙牧師 mccc.timy@gmail.com。 另外課後活動班正在招請單元義務老師,教授繪畫,烹飪,舞蹈等等項目, 如閣下希望知道更多請聯絡阮仲謙牧師。

Children Ministry

The Children’s Ministry will start a new year of after-school activity classes for Gr.4-Gr.8 students on September 17, held every Tuesday from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. The new year’s after-school program will be conducted in modular units. Activities include painting, baking, Lego robotics programming, games, dance, cooking, basic life skills, basketball and volleyball training, and more….

