
      a. Noori 家庭已經遷移至簽約一年的新居所,亦繼續參加阿富汗教會聚會,美堅教會多謝各兄姊慷慨捐贈傢俬及家居用品物資。       b. 請繼續為母親Fatima,大兒子Emran,小兒子Artin 禱告,特別為安排兒子們入讀學校及日後適應加拿大生活,Fatima學習英文、尋找工作及一年後尋找新住所禱告。      


a. Noori 家庭已經遷移至簽約一年的新居所,亦繼續參加阿富汗教會聚會,美堅教會多謝各兄姊慷慨捐贈傢俬及家居用品物資。 b. 請繼續為母親Fatima,大兒子Emran,小兒子Artin 禱告,特別為安排兒子們入讀學校及日後適應加拿大生活,Fatima學習英文、尋找工作及一年後尋找新住所禱告。

Afghan Refugee Family News

a. The Norri’s family has moved to the new home with a one-year contract, and they continue to attend the Afghan church worship gatherings. MCCC would like to thank our brothers and sisters for their generous donations of furniture and household items. b. Please pray for this family: Fatima, Emran, and Artin. Pray for the…