
感謝弟兄姊妹對教會事工的關心和支持,現付上2024年的奉獻記錄更新版 (請參看附件或教會報告版),兄姊如有問題,請聯絡李云峰執事、李維信執事(Alvin Lee) 或楊錦良弟兄,或電郵 m3c.finance@gmail.com 查詢。

Finance Department

Thank you for brothers and sisters’ concern and support for the church’s ministries. Attached is the revised 2024 offering record (please see the attachment or church notice board). If you have any questions, please contact Deacon James Li , Alvin Lee and Jonathan Yeung, or email m3c.finance@gmail.com for inquiries.

Systematic Theology Sunday School

The first Systematic Theology class will begin Sunday, February 16 at 9:30am in the library. All students will receive the necessary material and notifications beforehand. Drop-ins are welcome! If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Josiah: mccc.josiaht@gmail.com