由 7 月 3 日起,多倫多巿政府會回收一次性熱飲 (如:咖啡和茶杯)和冷飲 (如: 汽水水或果汁飲料)紙質飲料杯,請放入藍色垃圾回收箱。多謝弟兄姊妹合作。
由 7 月 3 日起,多倫多巿政府會回收一次性熱飲 (如:咖啡和茶杯)和冷飲 (如: 汽水水或果汁飲料)紙質飲料杯,請放入藍色垃圾回收箱。多謝弟兄姊妹合作。
As of July 3, single -use hot (eg. coffee and tea) and cold(e.g fountain drinks) paper-based beverage cups can be placed in the blue bin(recycling), thanks for your cooperation.
AFC’s Frosh CONNEXION: Do you know any students entering post-secondary? Invite them to Frosh Connexion, an annual event hosted by AFC that connects students to Asian/Chinese Christian Fellowships at their respective university or college campus. The event will take place on Tuesday, August 13th, 2024 at North York Chinese Baptist Church. Doors open at 5pm…