Children Ministry

a. We are hiring summer interns to help out the Children Ministry. Applicant should be entering first-year university/college or returning to university/college in September 2025. Please contact Pastor Tim for details . b. Children’s Summer Day Camp helpers: Date: July 14-18 and July 21-25; If you are Gr 6 or above, willing to help…

Systematic Theology Sunday School

Systematic Theology Sunday School 9:30am @ Church Library The first unit of the Systematic Theology class will focus on the second portion of the doctrine of scripture (Biblical interpretation, canon, etc.) Drop-ins are welcome! If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Josiah:


2024年的奉獻收據已開始派發或經電郵發出,如有任何問題,請聯絡: 英語堂 – 李維信執事(Alvin Lee); 粤語堂- 楊錦良弟兄; 國語堂 – 李雲峰執事。