
美堅堂會員大會投票前咨詢會議將於5月11日(週六) 早上10時在 Zoom 網上舉行。Zoom 鏈接 : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84894497183?pwd=V2NiMFN1WFdwUHBNaHlPUUZpWmh3UT09 會議ID: 848 9449 7183 密碼: 123123 實體會員大會郵寄投票設於5 月 12 日、19 日和 26 日,早上8時45分至9時15分(粵語堂崇拜前)及早上10時30分至12時30分(粵語堂崇拜結束後至國語/英文堂崇拜結束前) 2025-2026年度的執事會候選人: 粵語堂尹夢恩及國語堂朱強,個人簡介已放在程序表後頁。

Membership Meeting

A pre-AGM information session will be held on May 11 (Saturday) at 10:00am on Zoom. Please use the following ZOOM link to attend the session: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84894497183?pwd=V2NiMFN1WFdwUHBNaHlPUUZpWmh3UT09 Meeting ID: 848 9449 7183 Passcode: 123123 Mail-in voting sessions will be held at church on May 12, 19, and 26 from 8:45am to 9:15am (before Cantonese worship) and…


The EMC have a meeting this Sunday (May 5) at 1:30pm in B1. All co-workers please attend.