
為保持教會清潔及遵守政府的環保條例,所有垃圾必須分類。請各團契及小組安排足夠的人手處理聚餐後的廚餘及垃圾。由於教會是屬於多倫多士嘉堡 Scarborough 地區。 ** 沒有清洗的餐盒,視為垃圾 ** 清洗後的餐盒(除黑色以外),方可放入藍色回收桶 (敬請留意) 詳情可參考以下的鏈結︰ https://www.toronto.ca/services-payments/recycling-organics-garbage/houses/what-goes-in-my-blue-bin/ 現時教會只有一個黑色的垃圾桶,每兩星期清倒一次。加上感恩節及其他聚餐活動增加,為了解決現時的問題,請各小組的負責人留意,聚餐後不能回收的垃圾,請帶回家處理,直至今年年底。

General Management

In order to keep the church clean and to follow the government regulations, all garbage must be sorted. Fellowships and small groups are asked to provide sufficient manpower to manage the food waste and garbage after the events. Our church is in the Scarborough area of Toronto. ** Unwashed containers are considered garbage. ** Washed…