Fellowship and small group are reminded that if your group is the last to leave the church building, you are responsible to check all entrances, switch off all the lights, turn on the security system, and make sure all doors are locked.
Fellowship and small group are reminded that if your group is the last to leave the church building, you are responsible to check all entrances, switch off all the lights, turn on the security system, and make sure all doors are locked.
復活節聯合浸禮於3 月30 日在善牧堂舉行,受洗名單如下,請為他們禱告,求主堅立他們的信心及靈命。 粵語堂︰趙卓芳 英文堂︰Richard Jiang, Matthew Xia, Andrew Hu, Christian Wen 國語堂︰楊雅琴、陳琳鳳,甘永紅、孫萍、卞晨絢、初偉、鄭亮、 蘇浩瑜、伍家毅
復活節聯合浸禮於3 月30 日在善牧堂舉行,受洗名單如下,請為他們禱告,求主堅立他們的信心及靈命。 粵語堂︰趙卓芳 英文堂︰Richard Jiang, Matthew Xia, Andrew Hu, Christian Wen 國語堂︰楊雅琴、陳琳鳳,甘永紅、孫萍、卞晨絢、初偉、鄭亮、 蘇浩瑜、伍家毅