Missions Corner

CY Yan is the Director for Connections East Asia at OMF Canada. Presently, CY is heavily involved in welcoming refugees and the diaspora church from different churches. He helps connect and mobilize missionaries to church plants globally, and develops relationships with local churches to encourage them to do the same. He is married to Ceci,…

Run for Promise籌款活動

多倫多 Urban Promise 舉辦的募款活動 Run for Promise, 將於 2023 年 10 月 22 日(星期日)下午 1:30 舉行。這是 MCCC 社區內的 5 公里跑步/步行活動,歡迎大家參加。籌款目標為$3,000。活動捐款連結:https://bit.ly/RFP23Form  ; 如需登記,請聯絡 Priscilla 或 Christian。

Run for Promise籌款活動

多倫多 Urban Promise 舉辦的募款活動 Run for Promise, 將於 2023 年 10 月 22 日(星期日)下午 1:30 舉行。這是 MCCC 社區內的 5 公里跑步/步行活動,歡迎大家參加。籌款目標為$3,000。活動捐款連結:https://bit.ly/RFP23Form  ; 如需登記,請聯絡 Priscilla 或 Christian。