Afghan Family Sponsorship

Fatima and her two children, an Afghan refugee family sponsored by MCCC, will arrive on April 17. We are now inviting brothers and sisters who have second-hand clothing, furnishings, etc. in good condition to bring them back to the church on April 7 and 14 (Sundays), so that we can collect them and send them…


《社區外展—針織班》將於本週三(20日)開始第一課,請各位已報名的學 員帶同工具及材料,在當天早上10時前到達教會地庫B10室。


《社區外展—針織班》將於本週三(20日)開始第一課,請各位已報名的學 員帶同工具及材料,在當天早上10時前到達教會地庫B10室。