
現時已進入流感高峰期, 溫馨提示各位進入禮堂崇拜前,請以洗手液洗手。若身體有不適者,請留在家中透過網上或電話形式參與主日崇拜,並可以聯絡牧者或關懷部,為你代禱。


現時已進入流感高峰期, 溫馨提示各位進入禮堂崇拜前,請以洗手液洗手。若身體有不適者,請留在家中透過網上或電話形式參與主日崇拜,並可以聯絡牧者或關懷部,為你代禱。

Flu Season

We are currently at the peak of flu season. A friendly reminder to brothers and sisters to sanitize your hands before joining in-person worship. If you are feeling unwell, please stay home and join the worship online. You can also contact the pastoral staff or caring team to pray for you.