English Congregation News

The Q/A for the Relationships Sermon Series has been postponed to July 23rd after service at 1:00pm due to Pastor Josiah being sick this past week. Potluck style lunch will be provided! Please bring an item to share and a few other items will be provided as well. English Welcome Team: Are you interested in…


為期兩週的兒童日營於 7 月 17-21 及24-28日舉行,請兄姊為 各義工及籌備工作代禱,並為參加的兒童代禱,盼望能透過此事工,可以接觸更多社區的兒童及讓他們認識主耶穌。


為期兩週的兒童日營於 7 月 17-21 及24-28日舉行,請兄姊為 各義工及籌備工作代禱,並為參加的兒童代禱,盼望能透過此事工,可以接觸更多社區的兒童及讓他們認識主耶穌。