Children Ministry

Discover Your Identity at Our Jr. High Day Camp! Attention all Jr. High students (grade 7 to 9)! Our children’s ministry is excited to host a day camp focused on the theme of “identity” from July 31 to August 4th.Through interactive lessons and fun activities and outings, you will have an immersive and engaging experience…


夏日花之旅 一日遊 日期︰7月27日( 週四) 早上9時教會停車場集合 早上先到薰衣草園,遊走香氣迷人的田野,盡情擁抱紫色的田園。購買特大農場雞蛋,享用自助午餐,植物公園及太陽花田,採摘草莓、青豆、紅莓等水果,並享受雪糕。回程約下午6時30分返抵教會。 *採摘的水果蔬菜須自行付費及請自備環保購物袋 費用︰65歲或以上 $45 64 歲或以下$54 (費用已包括餐費、車費及小費) 今主日(7月2日)在各堂崇拜後開始接受即場報名,由於座位有限,一天遊優先考慮給予從未參加過或去年沒有參加過的新朋友或弟兄姊妹。 粵語 : 黃楊惠嬌 (Rossana) 國語堂︰斯靜、及張近中 ESL英文班及乒乓球︰Jean老師及Winnie

English Congregation News

On July 5th, Wednesday, Priscilla will be taking a team to help make lunch for the Urban Promise team. The lunch will be to support the Urban Promise team for their work and ministry. Thank you to all who donated to this event! If you have any questions, please contact Priscilla. Pastor Josiah will be…