1月29日(週三) 為農曆新年大年初一,教會預祝各位兄姊新年進步、身體健康、平安喜樂,福杯滿溢! 崇拜完畢後,兄姊可從司事領取 “福”字的中國新年掛飾,每個家庭限取一份。
1月29日(週三) 為農曆新年大年初一,教會預祝各位兄姊新年進步、身體健康、平安喜樂,福杯滿溢! 崇拜完畢後,兄姊可從司事領取 “福”字的中國新年掛飾,每個家庭限取一份。
January 29th (Wednesday) is the first day of the Lunar New Year. We wish all brothers and sisters a prosperous New Year, Peace, Joy, and overflowing blessings! After this Sunday’s worship service, you are welcome to take home a Chinese New Year ornament as a gift (limit 1 per family).