
請各活動及團契小組組長在教會聚會結束後,確認教會內是否還有其他小組活動進行; 如果沒有,請必需把教會的正門及側門鎖好。

General Management

GM reminds all the group leaders are asked to check if there are any other group activities going on in the church after the meeting; if not, please make sure to lock the front and side doors of the church before leaving.

English Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Our English service will be held at 4:00pm on Sunday, December 24th for our Candlelight service. A potluck dinner is to follow. All are free and welcome to join us! For the potluck, please register with the QR code to inform us of what you will be bringing. On December 17th we will distribute flyers…