English Congregation News

Rise Revival Conference: June 9th and 10th at Toronto Mandarin CCC. Milliken is teaming up with Markham CCC and TM CCC to host the RISE revival conference, where brothers and sisters will gather for worship. The theme is to lift Christ up above all things. Deadline for registration is May 21st. English Welcome Team: Are…


讚美操在本週三(17日) 開始第一堂,請已經報名參加的學員在早上10 前到達教會地庫,並請穿着合適做運動的衣服。


讚美操在本週三(17日) 開始第一堂,請已經報名參加的學員在早上10 前到達教會地庫,並請穿着合適做運動的衣服。