
教會現正進行春季大掃除,棄置不再使用的傢俱及雜物,物件 相 片會貼在壁報版上供參考, 兄姊如有意拿取,請於5月20日(週六)上 午10時至下午1時在教會大堂登記,並即時把物件拿走,先到先得。詳 情請聯絡溫俊龍執事或朱強執事。


教會現正進行春季大掃除,棄置不再使用的傢俱及雜物,物件 相 片會貼在壁報版上供參考, 兄姊如有意拿取,請於5月20日(週六)上 午10時至下午1時在教會大堂登記,並即時把物件拿走,先到先得。詳 情請聯絡溫俊龍執事或朱強執事。

GM News

The church is currently undergoing spring cleaning, discarding unused furniture. The photos will be posted on the notice board. If you are interested, please come to the church between 10:00 am to 1:00 pm on May 20 (Sat) and take the items away immediately – first come first serve. If you have any questions, please…