Mission Corner

The Chen’s serves with Ethnos Canada as part of a tribal church planting team in Papua New Guinea. Derek and Chantal, and their three children, Evan, Wesley, and Owen just went through some big transitions. Evan is studying in high school in Taiwan while the rest of the family minister to the Tanguat people in…

Run for Promise籌款活動

美堅堂於上主日為多倫多 Urban Promise舉行的募款活動 Run for Promise, 已順利完成,籌得款項共$5100,多謝弟兄姊妹的參與及支持!


《兒童部「聖誕鞋盒」活動 (Christmas Shoebox)》現正開始收集文具、完好玩具、日用品如︰毛布、帽子、襪子、牙刷等放入鞋盒內。聖誕鞋盒活動的目的是為了第三世界的兒童也能感受到基督降世帶來的喜樂,請到地庫走廊領取鞋盒, 並將預備好的鞋盒連同行政及運送費用每個10 元 (或你可選擇網上捐獻www.samaritanspurse.ca),交回地庫B5 室。最後收集日期為11月12 日(下主日)。