GM reminds all the group leaders are asked to check if there are any other group activities going on in the church after the meeting; if not, please make sure to lock the front and side doors of the church before leaving.
GM reminds all the group leaders are asked to check if there are any other group activities going on in the church after the meeting; if not, please make sure to lock the front and side doors of the church before leaving.
Our English service will be held at 4:00pm on Sunday, December 24th for our Candlelight service. A potluck dinner is to follow. All are free and welcome to join us! For the potluck, please register with the QR code to inform us of what you will be bringing. Next Sunday, December 17th we will distribute…
《聖誕節聯合浸禮》於12月16日(下週六) 早上10時在善牧堂舉行,請兄姊預留意時間參加並為他們禱告,求主堅立他們的信心及靈命。 接受水禮的兄姊有︰ 粵語堂︰鄧月明、吳乃駒、周果文 國語堂︰毛饒希、叶恒齊、江海英、陳至柔、楊素貞、匙楠、董成金、潘林恩 英文堂︰謝路得