English Congregation News

Missions Corner: Colin McCartney from Connect Ministries helped serve throughout the city of Toronto to develop a mission movement of Jesus followers. Connect Ministries’ goal is to encourage and build micro-churches who worship, grow and care for one another. This summer, the camps are registered beyond full capacity as many children and youths are displaced…


感謝主,為期兩週的兒童日營己順利完成。本星期將繼續有初 中學生日營(7月31日至8月4日)舉行,請兄姊為各義工及籌備工作代禱, 並為參加的初中學生代禱,盼望能透過此事工,可以接觸更多社區的兒童 及讓他們認識主耶穌。


感謝主,為期兩週的兒童日營己順利完成。本星期將繼續有初 中學生日營(7月31日至8月4日)舉行,請兄姊為各義工及籌備工作代禱, 並為參加的初中學生代禱,盼望能透過此事工,可以接觸更多社區的兒童 及讓他們認識主耶穌。