Children Ministry

Discover Your Identity at Our Jr. High Day Camp! Attention all Jr. High students (grade 7 to 9)! Our children’s ministry is excited to host a day camp focused on the theme of “identity” from July 31 to August 4. Through interactive lessons and fun activities and outings, you will have an immersive and engaging…

English Welcome Team

Are you interested in learning and developing more social skills? Do you want to use your gifts of hospitality and care to serve the congregation? Come join our English Welcome Team! The team will usher and welcome our friends, brothers and sisters and newcomers on Sunday mornings and help to follow up in any caring…


《執事會消息》 (6月20日) A. 請各部門負責人、小組組長及團契組長於2023年8月27日前提交「2024 年財務預算」。 B. 加拿大日社區外展活動: 將於7月1日上午10:30至下午3:30 在教會停車場 舉行。屆時將有預先包裝好的小食送贈、攤位遊戲、為加拿大祈禱,及 各項表演節目。歡迎弟兄姐妹們邀請鄰居和朋友一同参加。 C. 執事會已認領Anton Lim為美堅堂宣教士。他在Power to Change 事 奉 ,參與 NEXT project,特為預備中學生進入大專學校前,提供他們信 仰的探討及堅立他們的信心,幫助他們回應現今大專學生所經歷信仰的 挑戰。