
讚美主,祂聆聽了我們的禱告,帶領我們完成了第 46 屆宣教大會。 聚會氣氛非常熱烈,宣教大會收到了宣教機構很好的回應。 作為我們對宣教承諾的一部分,華基聯會準備了一份在線認獻表格,供所有會眾在上帝面前認獻。 下面附上了連結和二維碼。 請在 2024 年 11 月 30 日之前提交表格。https://forms.office.com/r/iFBRVFfk9f

ACEM 46th Missions Conference

We praise the Lord for listening to our prayers and guiding us through the 46th Missions Conference. The atmosphere was truly lively and we had wonderful feedback from the missions organizations. As part of our commitment to the mission, ACEM have prepared an online Pledge Form for all congregants to make their pledges before God….

