English Welcome Team

Are you interested in learning and developing more social skills? Do you want to use your gifts of hospitality and care to serve the congregation? Come join our English Welcome Team! The team will usher and welcome our friends, brothers and sisters and newcomers on Sunday mornings and help to follow up in any caring…


ACEM 華基聯會宣教部(特別通告) 我們的ACEM宣教基金用於資助眾多宣教士、多個宣教組織、補貼神學院學生的學費和支持ACEM教會的實習神學生,以及派遣短期宣教團隊到世界各地進行宣教。隨著2020年COVID的開始,各國也關閉大門來控制疫情,我們幾乎所有的實地探訪(短期宣教)事工也停止了,這也影響了我們的宣教奉獻。與COVID(2018年)之前的奉獻相比,大部分ACEM教會的2022年宣教奉獻也有所減少。以美堅堂來說,我們2022年的奉獻減少了接近10%。在2023年,我們見到每一個ACEM教會的實地探訪事工將重新興起。然而,如果2023年ACEM教會的宣教奉獻趨勢與2022年保持相似,我們預測在今年秋季將會有20%-25%的資金短缺。 ACEM宣教部會繼續致力支持我們的宣教士、宣教組織和其他宣教有關的事工。請弟兄姊妹們為我們所有的宣教工作禱告,並為ACEM宣教的財政狀況禱告。

ACEM Mission Department

ACEM mission department (Special announcement) Our ACEM Missions Fund is used to support many missionaries, several mission organizations, subsidize seminary students’ tuition and pastoral internships in ACEM churches, as well as sending short term mission teams that minister all over the world. As COVID started in 2020, almost all of our field visitation (short term…