
 郵寄投票於11 月13 日(今主日)在禮堂門外舉行。  2023 年預算草案現已張貼在走廊的佈告欄上供會員 參考。 接納通過2023件度美堅華人基督教會財政預算如下: 經常費及各堂會層面事工$ 927,182.23 建堂認獻$ 50,000.00 總預算$ 977,182.23 ** 特別會員大會將於11月13日(今主日)下午2時在禮堂舉 行, 實體及網上同步舉行。 會議ID: 897 5734 2798 密碼: 123456 鏈結︰ https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89757342798?pwd=ZytobTN5cU42aWRDWkJVdEcveEtPQT09

MCCC Special Membership Meeting

 The mail-in voting sessions will be held today (November 13) after worship services in the main foyer.  The 2023 budget draft is now posted on the bulletin board in the hallway for viewing. To approve the proposed 2023 Milliken Christian Community Church Budget as follows: General Operational Fund & Ministry $927,182.23 Building Expansion…