
a. 感謝天父的安排,Noori一家已於上週四遷移至簽約一年的新居所,教會多謝阿富汗教會、Raymond Lam、Joy Young 、Christian Wan、Priscilla Kwong、李師母及Irene Cheung 參與清潔家居及搬遷工作,亦多謝各兄姊慷慨捐贈傢俬及家居用品物資。 b. 請為這家庭禱告,母親Fatima,大兒子Emran,小兒子Artin,為兒子安排學校,日後適應加拿大生活,Fatima學習英文,尋找工作及一年後尋找新住所禱告。


a. 感謝天父的安排,Noori一家已於上週四遷移至簽約一年的新居所,教會多謝阿富汗教會、Raymond Lam、Joy Young 、Christian Wan、Priscilla Kwong、李師母及Irene Cheung 參與清潔家居及搬遷工作,亦多謝各兄姊慷慨捐贈傢俬及家居用品物資。 b. 請為這家庭禱告,母親Fatima,大兒子Emran,小兒子Artin,為兒子安排學校,日後適應加拿大生活,Fatima學習英文,尋找工作及一年後尋找新住所禱告。

Afghan Refugee Family News

a. Thanks God, the Noori family has moved to their new home on a one-year contract last Thursday. The church would like to thank the Afghan church, Raymond Lam, Joy Young, Christian Wan, Priscilla Kwong, May Lee and Irene Cheung for their participation in cleaning the home and moving. We also thank our brothers and…