ACEM 46th Missions Conference

We praise the Lord for listening to our prayers and guiding us through the 46th Missions Conference. The atmosphere was truly lively and we had wonderful feedback from the missions organizations. As part of our commitment to the mission, ACEM have prepared an online Pledge Form for all congregants to make their pledges before God….


莊敬宣教士按立牧師典禮將於11月24日(今主日)下午2時在Rexdale Alliance Church舉行,地址: 2459 Islington Ave, Toronto, ON M9W 3X9,歡迎兄姊屆時出席典禮。


莊敬宣教士按立牧師典禮將於11月24日(今主日)下午2時在Rexdale Alliance Church舉行,地址: 2459 Islington Ave, Toronto, ON M9W 3X9,歡迎兄姊屆時出席典禮。