Compassion Canada主日

《Compassion Canada》教會參與Compassion Canada主日,以下是兄姊領養孩童的結果: 粵語堂:13個; 國語堂: 9個; 英語堂: 5個,今年共領養27個孩童。另包括以往領養結果,美堅現今共領養了44個孩童,願榮耀歸於天父,亦感謝兄姊慷慨施予。

Compassion Canada主日

《Compassion Canada》教會參與Compassion Canada主日,以下是兄姊領養孩童的結果: 粵語堂:13個; 國語堂: 9個; 英語堂: 5個,今年共領養27個孩童。另包括以往領養結果,美堅現今共領養了44個孩童,願榮耀歸於天父,亦感謝兄姊慷慨施予。

Compassion Canada

Thank you for all those who welcomed the Compassion Team and Alyssa last Sunday! According to the report, MCCC sponsored 27 children (Cantonese:13; Mandarin:9; English:5), and including previous sponsorship, all in total would be 44. Compassion would like to thank Milliken for giving them the chance to share and allow for sponsorship.