Agape Winter Conference

Agape Winter Meeting is coming! This year’s Winter Conference (2022 “New Wine”) will be held at the Fair Glen Youth Camp from December 27th to 29th. Youth from grades 7 to 12 are welcome to sign up. Please contact Bryan Sun or Chia Mei

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Christmas Eve Candle Light service will be held on December 24th at 7:30pm in the upstairs sanctuary. Come join us for worship and lighting up the candles together!


《聖誕節聯合浸禮》12月17日(下週六) 早上10時30分於善牧堂舉行,歡迎兄姊出席並支持她們的信心。 受浸的兄姊有︰ 粵語堂︰周淑芬、何佩玲、梁翠屏 國語堂︰蘇辞蔚、張菁瑜、董祈武、翁宇禎 英文堂︰Evelyn Chao, Julian Szeto, Adrienne Luong, Robert (Deze) Kong, Derek Hum