Afghan Refugee Sponsorship

MCCC will be sponsoring an Afghan refugee family selected by Pastor Obed from the ACEM Afghan Church plant. The family is expected to arrive in Canada in December-January. Volunteers will be needed to help the family with needs such as transportation, finding housing, etc. (more details will be available later). If you are interested in…


《兒童部「聖誕鞋盒」活動(Christmas Shoebox)》 現正開始收集文具、完好玩具、日用品如︰毛布、帽子、 襪子、牙刷等放入鞋盒內。請到地庫走廊領取鞋盒, 並 將預備好的鞋盒連同行政及運送費用每個10 元(或你可選 擇網上捐獻 ),交回地庫B5 室。 最後收集日期為11月6 日(今主日)。


《兒童部「聖誕鞋盒」活動(Christmas Shoebox)》 現正開始收集文具、完好玩具、日用品如︰毛布、帽子、 襪子、牙刷等放入鞋盒內。請到地庫走廊領取鞋盒, 並 將預備好的鞋盒連同行政及運送費用每個10 元(或你可選 擇網上捐獻 ),交回地庫B5 室。 最後收集日期為11月6 日(今主日)。