Agape 冬會來啦!今年的冬令會 (2022 “新酒”) 將於12月27-29日在Fair Glen Youth Camp舉行,歡迎 7年級到12年级的青少年報名参加,也請有這個年齡階段孩子的家長朋友們相互轉告並鼓勵孩子們参加。聯絡人:孫令欽(Bryan)弟兄 (,郭嘉鎂姊妹。
Agape 冬會來啦!今年的冬令會 (2022 “新酒”) 將於12月27-29日在Fair Glen Youth Camp舉行,歡迎 7年級到12年级的青少年報名参加,也請有這個年齡階段孩子的家長朋友們相互轉告並鼓勵孩子們参加。聯絡人:孫令欽(Bryan)弟兄 (,郭嘉鎂姊妹。
Agape Winter Meeting is coming! This year’s Winter Conference (2022 “New Wine”) will be held at the Fair Glen Youth Camp from December 27th to 29th. Youth from grades 7 to 12 are welcome to sign up. Please contact Bryan Sun or Chia Mei
Christmas Eve Candle Light service will be held on December 24th at 7:30pm in the upstairs sanctuary. Come join us for worship and lighting up the candles together!