
《執事會》於9月27 日(週二) 晚上7 時在Zoom 舉行, 請各同工及執事準時出席。 《執事會消息》9月13日: a. 粵語堂將聘請神學生黃心智弟兄(Sam Wong)於 9月19日 開始為部份時間粵語實習同工。 b. 國語堂將聘請何敏儀姊妹於10月1日開始為部份時間國語實習同工。


ECB will meet on Tuesday, Sep 27th at 7:00 pm in Zoom. All coworkers please attend. ECB News (2022, Sep 13): a. Cantonese congregation: Sam Wong will start his part-time internship on September 19th (Mon). Please pray for his upcoming ministries and for God to use him as a blessing to our brothers and sisters….

Youth 144

Youth 144 has started a new semester. Every Friday evening at the church from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. Please contact Pastor Josiah if you have any questions.