ECB News (September 13) : a. Cantonese congregation: Sam Wong will start his part-time internship on September 19th (Mon). Please pray for his upcoming ministries and for God to use him as a blessing to our brothers and sisters. b. Mandarin congregation: Faith Ho will start her part-time internship on Oct 1st (Sat). Please pray…

Youth 144

Youth 144 has started a new semester. Every Friday evening at the church from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. Please contact Pastor Josiah if you have any questions.


a.祈禱會: (每週四)晚上7:30開始,9時結束。深望大家都盡量來參加禱告會,來敬拜親近神,也為弟兄姐妹們的需要代禱,為教會守望。 會議鏈結︰ 會議ID: 889 5330 3723 密碼: 789789 b. 國語堂早上11時15分的主日崇拜Zoom 平台直播,歡迎登入以下鏈結参加崇拜或到教會參加實體崇拜 會議 ID: 868 6931 3460 密碼: 100100 美堅堂家事報告 2022.9.11 崇拜後,講道內容會上載到YouTube 平台, 兄姊可鏈結至以下鏈結收看回放。