2022 Children’s Day Camp will be held online from July 11-15 and 18-22. Pray that each child will have an open heart to hear God’s word spoken and to receive it as truth.
2022 Children’s Day Camp will be held online from July 11-15 and 18-22. Pray that each child will have an open heart to hear God’s word spoken and to receive it as truth.
加拿大日社區外展活動已於上週五完滿結束,教會感謝 兄姐同心帶領或參與各項活動,讓社區鄰舍更認識教會 及體驗神的愛。
加拿大日社區外展活動已於上週五完滿結束,教會感謝 兄姐同心帶領或參與各項活動,讓社區鄰舍更認識教會 及體驗神的愛。